The New Ponto Plus, Created with You in Mind

First you will be shocked just the new sounds or things you haven’t herd in long time than bam they stream it to ya yaaaaaas baaabbbyy

Oticon Medical

Every new product we create starts with our premise of people first, and the latest addition to the Ponto family is no different. The newest line of sound processors include the Ponto Plus and the Ponto Plus Power.

The devices were created with three goals in mind:
1. Bring more power to bone anchored hearing device users.
2. Produce a device that provides protection from feedback.
3. Give bone anchored users, for the first time, access to wireless possibilities that hearing aid users have enjoyed over the last few years.

In the video below, Alan Raffauf, VP of marketing at Oticon Medical, talks about why these three goals are so important.

Click here to learn more about the Ponto Plus. You can also sign up to get offers and updates delivered directly to your inbox here.

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